
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Breaking News: People's Occupation of Wa. DC until Machine stops

Breaking News: People's Occupation of Wa. DC until Machine stops

Deborah Dupre

Occupation of Washington DC

Human rights defender David Swanson has announced today that this October, thousands of Americans, the left and right, will occupy Washington D.C. in peaceful resistance and not leave until demands of the government are met. The protest is slated to be similar to those in Tunisia and Egypt.

A coalition of organizations and noted leaders have committed to a peaceful occupation of Washington DC, announcing the plan for a people's occupation of Washington, D.C. starting October 6th and not leaving until the United States government is seen to halt functioning on behalf of Wall Street and a war machine.

While people in Afghanistan protest The U.S. bombing of homes, Americans "sit inside our own homes complaining about our economy, our banks, our schools," stated David Swanson, adding:

"Instead, we now have a chance to have a say, in solidarity with others around the world, with success just as likely -- if just as shocking to those in power -- as with past U.S. people's movements and the recent advances in Tunisia and Egypt."

According to the popular leader and author of "War Is A Lie" and recent contributor of "Best 14 ways to defund war," David Swanson stated today the nation can expect a different type of protest this October.
"We are coming to Washington to stay," he said.
The coalition is extending open invitation for all kinds of organizations, national and local, to help plan the occupation.
Swanson emphasized inclusivity of the occupation saying, "We need not agree on political ideology or party or much else. We need only agree that nonviolent resistance to a government that routinely ignores the will of its people is appropriate in our nation as well -- even above all, given our nation's impact on the environment, global finances, and wars."
Wikileaks has just revealed the U.S. government's displeasure over Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown withdrawing troops out of Iraq, accusing of doing it to please the British public and win an election.
"What, we might ask," said Swanson, is "Would be wrong with the U.S. government occasionally doing what the U.S. public demands?"
"When I'm in London later this week I will be pleased to let them know we're alive over here with exciting plans for October, and in fact to ask them to join in on October 6th -- they have plenty of good squares over there too."
On the new website , that lists the already committed groups and individuals to participate in the occupation, people can sign a pledge to be at the DC occupation and stay.
The plan is for at 50,000 people to commit to being there for what Swanson has called a "nonviolent change the likes of which we haven't seen in this country in many years."

Breaking News: People's Occupation of Wa. DC until Machine stops - National Human Rights |

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