
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Never forget what the GOP has done

Never forget what the GOP has done:
by backpackwayne & thenewsreallysucks


The Peter King "radical Islam" hearings

Opposition to women's rights

Opposition to civil rights

Opposition to same-sex marriage

Trickle-down economics


Diebold election fraud

Hiring Blackwater/Xe

Warrantless Wiretapping

The Valerie Plame affair

Loss of the public option

The deregulation that caused the housing crisis and funded the "best" CEOs

Making photographing police against the law

Making photographing farms a first degree felony

Loss of Russ Feingold

Attempting to suppress the student vote in NH

Arizona's backward illegal immigration laws

The 9/11 mosque controversy

The "terror babies" controversy

Attempting to abolish the EPA

Opposition to health care for 9/11 first responders

Opposition to net neutrality

Defunding Planned Parenthood

Defunding public broadcasting

Defunding education nationwide

Cutting collective bargaining for unions

Privatizing the water system

Fighting their #1 goal to make sure President Obama does not get a second term instead of fighting for jobs

Fighting non-existent death panels

Fighting non-existent threat of Sharīa law in the US

Fighting to let woman die if an abortion would save her life

Fighting to allow murder of an abortion doctor be justifiable homicide

Fighting to reduce and/or get rid of Social Security

Fighting to reduce and/or destroy Medicare

Fighting to destroy Medicaid

Fighting to get rid of NPR

Fighting to destroy the non-existent Acorn

Fighting to prove our president is a non-citizen

Fighting to prove our president is a Muslim

Fighting to kill healthcare

Fighting to redefine rape

Fighting to support Mubarak

Fighting to give tax breaks to the rich

Fighting to require people to have guns

Fighting to redefine history

Fighting to discredit the first lady

Fighting against improving infrastructure

Fighting against programs for the poor

Fighting against saving the auto industry

Fighting to allow pollution

Fighting for the oil companies

Fighting against funding science

Fighting to let religion be a part of the government

Fighting to ignore global warming

Fighting to allow corporations to dominate our political process

Fighting against gay marriage

Fighting against gays in the military

Fighting against allowing gays to adopt

Fighting against gay hate crime legislation

Fighting to block any legislation proposed by democrats, regardless if it is good or not

Fighting to stop extended benefits for the unemployed

Fighting Net Neutrality

Fighting to kill Big Bird

Fighting to allow racial profiling

Fighting to keep $40 billion in oil company subsidies

Fighting against the FCC

Fighting against reducing military spending

Fighting to prevent judges and cabinet members being confirmed for no other reason than because President Obama nominated them

Fighting to allow guns on the congressional floor

Fighting to allow guns in church

Fighting against women’s right to choose

Fighting to reduce funding for education

Fighting to get rid of the Department of Education

Fighting to keep the Patriot Act

Fighting against high speed rail

Fighting against Veteran’s benefits

Fighting against healthcare for 9/11 responders

Fighting to kill Americorps

Fighting to Deny life-saving transplants resulting in deaths (Arizona)

If jobs are lost, “…so be it”

Fighting to kill Head Start

Wants to use National Guard against protesters in Wisconsin

Fighting to defund healthcare reform

Fighting to break unions

Fighting in Texas to pass a bill to allow students to have concealed weapons on campus

Fighting in Iowa to refuse services to people in a marriage that violates their religious beliefs (On the hand, gays)

Fighting in Georgia to require gold or silver to pay state debts

Fighting in New Hampshire to establish their own army

Fighting in Montana to declare global warming a natural occurrence which is beneficial to welfare and business climate

Fought to allow torture

Fighting to end foreclosure aid programs

In Minnesota fighting to repeal laws giving equal pay for women

Fighting to end collective bargaining

In Iowa fighting to pass a bill to make a fertilized egg a person and publicly execute anyone who destroys one

Fighting to eliminate the Securities Exchange Commission

Fighting to kill last year’s Wall Street reform law by cutting off funds to agencies in charge of enforcing it

Fighting to “drill baby drill” regardless of the consequences

Fighting to save incandescent light bulbs

Fighting to save styrofoam

Fighting to cut $600 million from IRS tax enforcement

Fighting to keep $40 billion in tax subsidies to the big oil companies

Fighting to ban crank calls

Fighting to restrict certain voters from voting

Fighting to defund poison control centers

Fighting to take voting away from college students

This is all I can think of at the moment. And yet, I still feel as if this barely scratches the surface.
What am I forgetting?

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