
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Wisconsin update: Scott Walker threatens to fire people, so let's threaten to fire his Senators

Scott Walker's latest brilliant maneuver in the battle for Wisconsin is to threaten to fire people if the 14 Democratic Senators don't return. Because, you know, when your approval rating is plummeting, nothing picks it back up like threatening to fire a bunch of people.

We've got a better idea. While Walker is threatening to fire people, let's support the canvassers in Wisconsin who are out collecting signatures in an attempt to fire Walker's Republican state Senators. To do this, at Daily Kos we've added the Democratic Party of Wisconsin to Orange to Blue.

Please, support the recall effort by contributing to the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

Around 250 Kossacks in Wisconsin have signed up to be canvassers on the recall effort. Since most of us don't live in Wisconsin, we can't all participate in that aspect of the campaign. However, we can support the canvassers by contributing to the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, the organization leading the recall.

A majority in the Wisconsin state Senate is 17. Please, contribute $17 to the Wisconsin recall effort, $1 for each state Senator we need for a majority.

Daily Kos: Wisconsin update: Scott Walker threatens to fire people, so let's threaten to fire his Senators

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