
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Online petition against expiring provisions of the Patriot Act. Originally congress was trying to push a 3 year extension but only a 3 month extension could pass!


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Bin Laden Is Dead. Will The Patriot Act Live On?

Osama Bin Laden is dead, but will the Patriot Act live on?  The Patriot Act was enacted as a supposedly temporary measure in the wake of 9-11.  With Bin Laden's passing, the era of the Patriot Act, of spying on Americans who aren't suspected of crimes, of heavy-handed abuse of our dearly held civil liberties, must come to an end.

The Patriot Act is up for renewal this month and a key debate is brewing: Our opponents will argue that his death is evidence that the post-9-11 spying regime was justified.  We believe it means that it's time for the government to fix the Patriot Act and start protecting Americans' civil liberties.
We need to act now to make sure we win this fight.  Tens of thousands of Demand Progress members have already urged Congress to fix the Patriot Act.  Will you ask Congress and the President to return us to the legal norms that existed before 9-11 and start respecting our civil liberties?  Please fill out the form at right to sign on to this petition:
PETITION TO MY LAWMAKERS AND PRESIDENT OBAMA: The perpetrator of 9-11 is dead.  The Patriot Act was enacted as a supposedly temporary measure in the wake of 9-11:  With Bin Laden's demise, the era of the Patriot Act, the era of spying on Americans who aren't suspected of crimes, the era of blunt abuse of our dearly held civil liberties, must come to an end.

Just sign on at right and we'll forward the petition to Congress and the President.

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