
Monday, May 16, 2011

You can tell if a woman has regular vaginal orgasms by the way she walks

Research has demonstrated the association between vaginal orgasm and better mental health. Some theories of psychotherapy assert a link between muscle blocks and disturbances of both character and sexual function. In Functional–Sexological therapy, one focus of treatment is amelioration of voluntary movement. The present study examines the association of general everyday body movement with history of vaginal orgasm.
The objective was to determine if appropriately trained sexologists could infer women's history of vaginal orgasm from observing only their gait.
Female university students of psychology in Belgium were approached by a female researcher (A.N.), and asked to complete a preliminary questionnaire on sexual behavior. Of the women who completed the questions and also indicated their willingness to be contacted for a further study, 10 were selected who reported “always” or “often” having vaginal orgasm, and 10 were selected who reported “never” or “rarely” having vaginal orgasm. Women were also asked to report clitoral orgasm ability with a partner separately.

Read Study Here

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