
Thursday, August 4, 2011

What's Cookin? Naked Vegan Cooking

mmm... parsley
Naked Vegan Cooking is a blog full of delicious, easy to cook vegan recipes and beautiful,  naked bodies and not an airbrush in sight. We believe in tasty food and positive body image.
The blog was started by Greta, Jess and Luke. We like to cook naked, for ourselves,  our friends and lovers out of our huge, messy shared house in Manchester. And then we post the recipes and photos online for you to share. You can also submit your own recipes and photos for us to put up on the blog. Happy cooking : )

Naked Vegan Cooking

A sample recipe from their website

Tabbouleh Salad

2 Aug
In the second of her guest posts, Aylam, Greta and Jenn makes tabbouleh (Arabic: تبولة‎; also tabouleh or tab(b)ouli), a Lebanese salad popular all over the Middle East (and the world!).   This recipe is one that Aylam was thrilled to learn for home making, for like the Baba Ganoush it is fantastically simple to make and is actually her favorite salad in the world. She used to ask for Tabbouleh salads every time his family took her to a Lebanese restaurant as a child. Sometimes the certain restaurant wouldn’t have it, or would serve a very small pricey portion and that, as you can imagine would be very disappointing for her. But then again its so simple to make – LOTS OF IT!
Greta and Jenn chopping
Greta and Jenn chopping
Parslied Greta
Parslied Greta

Ingredients: 2 heads of Parsley (chopped extra fine), Handful of mint leaves (chopped fine), 1 tomato (chopped fine), 1 cucumber (chopped fine), half an onion (chopped fine), juice from 1-2 lemons (depending on how sour you want it), half a cup of Bulgar wheat, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tsp of salt
 Jenn takes the two heads of Parsley and bravely chopped them as fine as she could. The finer they would be the better the salad (a food processor is also possible to use, but we didn’t). Afterwards she chopped half a cucumber and one tomato (again, the finer the better), while Aylam heat the kettle and put the half cup of bulgar wheat in a small bowl. She adds one table spoon of olive oil and half a teaspoon of salt to the Burgul and pours the hot water over it. He then mixes the ingredients up a bit and covers the bowl with a plate to let the bulgar wheat soften. There is now only the mint leaves to chop and mix all the ingredients together, including the lemon juice. She makes sure that the bulgar wheat is relatively dry and cool before adding it into the rest. The Tabbouleh salad is prepared and should be served cold. It is an amazing addition to any springy meal!
Check out our other recipes here 


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