
Sunday, September 25, 2011

NYPD Arrests 100+ At "Occupy Wall Street" Protests

Hundreds of NYPD officers swarmed on Union Square, arresting protesters. Reports of police using tear gas have spread through Twitter. While the NYPD maintains that they neither own nor use tear gas, some have stepped forward to confirm that they were pepper-sprayed. In at least one video, a man is violently tackled for simply talking to an officer. 

University Place and 12th Street. Watch the man in the red shirt get pushed by a cop, then raise his hands and back away. As he tries to speak peacefully to the officer, he is tackled violently to the ground and arrested."

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at

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"Protested falls to his knees in tears in front of Chase Bank crying - this is the bank that took my parents' home."

NYPD Arrests 100+ At "Occupy Wall Street" Protests

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