
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Your loving son, Jimi: Postcard from Jimi Hendrix to his father
Al Hendrix with son Johnny Allen (Jimi Hendrix)


Your loving son, Jimi

October, 1966: Very soon after forming The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Jimi Hendrix writes a postcard to his father back home in the U.S. and fills him in on recent developments.

Two months later — as mentioned by Jimi — the band's first single, "Hey Joe," was released. Their debut album, "Are You Experienced," soon followed; it is now considered by many to be one of the greatest albums of all time.

Transcript follows. Image kindly supplied by Jerry.

Image: Jerry

Dear Dad –

Well...Although I lost the address, I feel I must write before I get too far away – We're in Munich, Germany now – We just left Paris and Nancy France – We're playing around london now. That's where I'm staying these days. I have my own group and will have a record out about 2 months named "Hey Joe" By the Jimi Hendrix EXPERIENCE

I hope you get this card – I'll write a decent letter – I think things are getting a little Better –

Your loving son


Letters of Note

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