
Monday, December 12, 2011

A Chicago mugger ended up with cuts, bruises and a gunshot wound after attempting to mug a Mixed Martial Arts fighter

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A Chicago mugger ended up with cuts, bruises and a gunshot wound after attempting to mug a man who is a Mixed Martial Arts fighter.

An alleged armed robber picked the wrong victim, Chicago police say, getting into a tussle that left him wounded, bruised and in cuffs.

Anthony Miranda, 24, faces charges including discharging a weapon during a robbery, after allegedly approaching a 33-year-old man sitting in a car and asking for a light before pulling a gun and demanding his valuables, the Chicago Tribune reported Monday.

The alleged victim complied and the gunman ordered him out of the car. That's when the driver grabbed for the gun and during the ensuring struggle, Miranda shot himself in the ankle, police said.

The alleged victim, who held his assailant until police arrived, told officers he is a mixed-martial arts competitor.

Miranda, who was on parole for a burglary conviction, was jailed in lieu of $350,000 bail, the Tribune said.


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