
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Smeared as evil: Public Education, Planned Parenthood, The Postal Service.. meared as evil: Public Education, Planned Parenthood, The Postal Service..

Look at all things the Republicans have smeared as evil: Public Education, Planned Parenthood, The Postal Service.. 

by Sidwill

Public Employee Unions, The National Endowment for the Arts, PBS, University Education, the list goes on and on they have created an ideology based largely on hating something or someone else, outside of tax cuts for the wealthy they have no other recognizable policy position that does not involve exploiting people's dislike, dissatisfaction, or bigotry. The brilliance of course is that they cast such a wide net, they have a boutique hatred position on just about everything, hell they even brought back hatred of contraception and women. Talk about balls, and yet despite an overall public dissatisfaction with both the positions and personalities that the exist on the right the strategy works with the nation still roughly split 50/50. So, what strategy could the Democrats or possibly a third party take to get people to understand that they are simply being pitted against each other for the right's political benefit?

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