
Saturday, April 21, 2012

NYPD continues crackdown against 99-percenters

NYPD continues crackdown against 99-percenters

New York Police Department continues its crackdown against anti-Wall Street protesters, arresting several demonstrators in the latest rally,
 Press TV reports.

At least eight people were arrested at the New York Stock Exchange for standing on the sidewalk.

“Each week, we’ve seen them progressively escalate the repression that they gave toward us,” one protester said.

American protesters say the show of force against unarmed civilians speaks volumes about whom these troops protect and serve.

The latest protest come during the same week that more than a hundred million Americans race to meet a tax filing deadline.

It also takes place amid news that some of America’s top corporations, that earn trillions of dollars collectively, pay little taxes and some pay none at all.

A recent study by the Sunlight Foundations revealed that out of 200 companies, the top six that spend hundreds of millions on lobbying groups to influence Congress, have saved billions by seeing a significant drop in their corporate taxes over the last three years.

These companies include Exxon, Verizon, General Electric, which makes engine for the military, and Northrop Grumman that makes assignation drones.

Protesters continued to use the gathering to prepare for an 18-hour day of action on May 1st. Worldwide May Day celebrations will be marked by marches and rallies in New York and around the world. 

1 comment:

  1. ". . .whom these troops protect and serve."

    The New York POLICE Department is NOT a military unit.
