Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Just an Old Dude Covering Slayer

Buddy Roemer: "FACT: The 1% own the elections. 80% of giving to SuperPACs has come from just 58 donors"

Red money, blue money: The making of the 2012 campaign

Two wealthy tribes will decide the political messages we hear -- and the ones we won't

Karl Rove

Karl Rove (Credit: Reuters/Salon)

The hidden infrastructure of the 2012 campaign has already been built.

A handful of so-called Super PACs, enabled to collect unlimited donations by the continued erosion of campaign finance regulations, are expected to rival the official campaign organizations in importance this election. In many cases, these groups are acting essentially as outside arms of the campaigns.

These are America’s best-funded political factions, their war chests filled by some of the richest men (and almost all are men) in the country.

More than 80 percent of giving to Super PACs so far has come from just 58 donors, according to the Center for Responsive Politics analysis of the latest data, which covers the first half of 2011. The Republican groups have raised $17.6 million and the Democratic groups $7.6 million. Those numbers will balloon, with American Crossroads, the main Republican Super PAC, aiming to raise $240 million.)

The exceptions are two public employee labor unions, whose massive donations match those of some of the largest moguls. The rest are individuals with vast fortunes at their disposal. They constitute two different tribes.

The conservative red tribe is dominated by businessmen who have built or inherited fortunes. They also include Wall Street investors, oil and gas men, construction magnates, and retail executives. Mormons are well represented.
Red money, blue money: The making of the 2012 campaign - 2012 Elections - Salon.com

Dogs Vs. Cats

For the record, if it's going to live in my house, pooping in a box as opposed to everywhere is pretty damn valuable

The Trinity College Notebook of Isaac Newton - digitally scanned.


Trinity College Notebook
by Isaac Newton
Part of the Newton Papers.

This notebook Newton acquired while he was an undergraduate at Trinity College and used from about 1661 to 1665. It includes many notes from his studies and, increasingly, his own explorations into mathematics, physics and metaphysics. It was judged 'Not fit to be printed' by Newton's executor and was presented to the Library by the fifth Earl of Portsmouth in 1872.

This notebook contains many blank pages (all shown) and has been used by Newton from both ends. Our presentation displays the notebook in a sensible reading order. It shows the 'front' cover and the 30 folios that follow and then turns the notebook upside down showing the other cover and the pages that follow it. Full transcriptions are available for folios 88r-135r, a famous section of the manuscript where Newton organises his notetaking according to 'Questiones quaedam Philosophiae' (certain philosophical questions). The notebook was photographed while it was disbound in 2011

Click Link for Notebook

Cambridge Digital Library - University of Cambridge

Aesthetically Pleasing NSFW

Some may think players from opposing teams fisting players is how life should be

Judging from the fistee's face, which looks somewhat like a grin, and the shear terror of the fister, I am going to have to say this is actually that man's anus sucking in the other man's hand.