Sunday, August 22, 2010

Boots With Spurs Very Creative

A little bit about  Boots With Spurs if you're curious:
We're all twenty somethings from Chicago and have been playing together for a little over a year. The band started as stories, "The Sun Never Sets on Andy Griffith, Part 1" and "These Boots Were Made For Moonwalking", about a cowboy turned renegade hero, bounty hunters, space whales, an epic journey of conquistadors, and a choice. These space tales became our first album, which was finished at the end of last year and released in January.
This tour was our first journey out on the wild wild road and in every town we discovered an awesome niche of bad ass punk rockers. Here's the link to the website  which includes a majority of the album for your listening pleasure, the stories behind the record's heroes, Andy Griffith and Emanuel Faces, and some other stuff we thought was cool. The music ranges from hardcore punk, to instrumental epic rock dipped in punk riffs.

The Youtube videos are all here and most of the music used is our own creation. 


Thanks for lending us your ears for a short while!

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