Friday, March 2, 2012

On April 28th of 1952, an extremely nervous Marilyn Monroe was wheeled into surgery to have her appendix removed. With Monroe unconscious and the procedure about to begin, doctors pulled back her gown to find the following note taped to her stomach, addressed to her surgeon...

No Ovaries Removed

On April 28th of 1952, medical staff at the Cedars of Lebanon hospital in L.A. wheeled an extremely nervous Marilyn Monroe to surgery where she was to have her appendix removed. Some time later, with Monroe unconscious and the procedure about to begin, doctors pulled back her gown to find the following note taped to her stomach. It was addressed to her surgeon, Dr. Marcus Rabwin.

Transcript follows.

(Source: MM-Personal: From the Private Archive of Marilyn Monroe; Image of Monroe in 1952, post-appendectomy, via.)

Dear Dr. Rabwin,

cut as little as possible I know it seems vain but that doesn't really enter in to it. The fact I'm a woman is important and means much to me.

Save please (I can't ask enough) what you can – I'm in your hands. You have children and you must know what it means – please Dr Rabwin – I know somehow you will!

thank you – thank you – thank you – For God's sakes Dear Doctor noovaries removed – please again do whatever you can to prevent largescars.

Thanking you with all my heart.

Marilyn Monroe


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