Friday, May 25, 2012

Never Trust A Skinny Cook: Season Your Food With Salt From Real Human Tears

Season Your Food With Salt From Real Human Tears

Would you like to season your french fries with some anger? No, really. I'm not being aggressive. Would you? Because the folks atHoxton Street Monster Supplies have gotten really weird with it and made a line of salts from different types of human tears.
Just in case you didn't process that one, yes, these condiments were harvested from the fruits of different emotions. And they're real and you can actually buy them. Imagine how interesting that would make your next dinner party. Offer your guests the option of adding flavor to their food with salt made from tears of anger, which would probably taste rather fiery; tears shed from chopping onions, which presumably have a bit of a bite; tears of laughter, which are likely sweeter; tears of sorrow, which have to be pretty bitter; and tears shed from sneezing which are just the strangest thing ever.
The salts bring up a question too—how do you know they're not counterfeit? How were they able to capture these authentic feelings and bottle them into such a wonderfully odd product? "Oh you're mad at me? Hold on let me just gather your tears into this vial I happen to be carrying." Probably an uncomfortable situation, but who cares, because, oh god, these tears are delicious. 

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