Sunday, October 9, 2011

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Occupy Wall Street-style protests spread to Britain

Occupy Wall Street-style protests spread to Britain

By William Kennedy for

LONDON — A young woman spray-paints the final letter on a floral-patterned sheet. Unfurled it reads: "Occupy London, 15 Oct,"

The small group of assembled activists applaud its look. “I love the kitschiness of it. It’s so ‘Laura Ashley’ English — perfect for a protest,” one says, namechecking the British brand known for its prim-and-proper fashions.

Inspired by the Occupy Wall Street protests on the other side of the Atlantic, demonstrators plan to establish a tent city in London’s City financial district next weekend.

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Protests aimed at policies on Wall Street have spread to 45 cities across the US as consistently large crowds continue to occupy the financial district in New York City. NBC's Lilia Luciano reports.

“The Wall Street protests sort of inspired everything,” said Kai Wargalla, who co-created the Occupy London Facebook group. “It was just time to start here. We need people to step up and speak out.”

This movement aims to unite the United Kingdom’s far-flung activist communities in addressing "the inequality of the financial system," Wargalla said.

'Not just dirty hippies'
The dozen hipster-chic men and women making signs on Saturday in a funky, tropical-themed club in north London’s Hackney borough have varied protest backgrounds. Some come from "Free Bradley Manning" and anti-nuclear campaigns, others from the Spanish 15-M movement, which occupied Madrid on May 15.

“These people are rightfully complaining about a lot of things,” said Matthew Slatter, an activist programmer with a theology degree. “They’re not just dirty hippies.”

An activist prepares a banner ahead of the Occupy London protest planned for Oct. 15.

The mood was upbeat as aerosol fumes rose past African drums, palm tree cutouts and a faded pennant seeking to "Free Mohammed Hamid" — a street preacher who called himself "Osama bin London". He was convicted in 2008 of running terrorist training camps in the U.K.

“We’re the beginning of something,” said Ronan McNern, a member of U.K. rights group Queer Resistance who has a background in public relations. “People are not stakeholders in democracy, in the workings of the nation anymore. This [movement] gives a lot of hope for the future.”

Occupy London's members largely identify with the "We are the 99 Percent" slogan made popular by protesters in the U.S.

"There's something about the fact that 15,000 people are trying to march down Wall Street that is uniquely exciting," said Naomi Colvin, an activist who worked to get alleged Wikileaker Bradley Manning out of confinement "What’s happening in Wall Street is in a way a culmination of things that have gone on in southern Europe and the Middle East."

“We’re asking the government to be more accountable for regulating [the financial sector] in the interests of a few people, rather than the majority.

“Having a group of tents somewhere in London is quite symbolic,” she added. “This is now a city that most of the people working in can’t really afford to live in.”

By Sunday morning, Occupy London had more than 1,500 followers on Twitter and 3,000 had signed up to attend next weekend's event near the London Stock Exchange.

“I think it will only get stronger of time, just as we’ve seen in Wall Street,” Wargalla said.

But that will not be easy, McNern warned. “To sustain something like this in the British winter will be a nightmare,” he said.

World Blog - Occupy Wall Street-style protests spread to Britain

Getting Healthy: How to live to be 100+

To find the path to long life and health, Dan Buettner and team study the world's "Blue Zones," communities whose elders live with vim and vigor to record-setting age. At TEDxTC, he shares the 9 common diet and lifestyle habits that keep them spry past age 100.


Getting Healthy: Foods that the Sardinian consume to prolong their lifespan: Cheese, bread and Red Wine

Foods that the Sardinian consume to prolong their lifespan: Cheese, bread and Red Wine

The author Dan Buettner goes across the globe to examine the secrets of longevity; could a diet of bread, cheese and wine be the secret to long life? For the Sardinian population this might be just the case, says Dan Buettner, writer of the National Geographic magazine and an Emmy award-winning documentarian.
The famous author of “The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest” , Buettner says that some specific aspects of the Sardinian diet do seem to have an effect on the life expectancy of the people, increasing their lifespan by approximately six years.

One thing is sure; the people in Sardinia – an Italian island found in the Mediterranean – consume very dark red wine. Buettner reported to “Good Morning America” that the wine that they drink is so dark that the Italians name their wine “vino nero”, that is “black wine”. Buettner says that he learned about a new fact about the importance of having wine while eating. He advances that the combination of the Mediterranean diet with the dark wine helps in the creation antioxidants that scrub the arteries.
It is therefore not surprising that Buettner promotes the consumption of plenty of fruits, nuts and vegetables and discourages eating a lot of meat.
Buettner is of view that meat is a once-per-week party, not something that you should consume numerous times a day.
A diet comprised of less fish and more of Special Cheese
Diet Stresses Less Fish, and Special Cheese
However, Buettner does not lay much emphasis on the importance of fish consumption. He says that it is so because in the so-called Blue Zones – the areas of the world that he has studied where the people live the most – consuming fish has not overemphasized.
Buettner says that the longest-lived regimes do not consist of much fish. If one needs to include protein in his diet, he suggests that including special cheese that Sardinians eat is best for that.
This cheese, known as pecorino sardo, is made grass-fed sheep’s’ milk that results in a product which is high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Sardinia is famous for producing another type of cheese too, one that is in fact infested with live maggots. This cheese may contain bacteria that are beneficial for the gut.
Buettner acknowledges that nothing can be said for sure. The statements that have only been made are based on the way the longest-lived men in the world eat. These persons consumed these foods as a sign of toughness.
Below there are some things that Buettner affirms are present on the Sardinian table:
• Carta de musica – this is a thin, whole wheat bread that is high in vitamin D
• Leavened Bread – the bacteria that is used to rise the bread also creates a mixture of substances with positive effects, comprising of vitamins and lactic acid that may counter attack probable harmful bacteria found in the digestive tract.
• Fava beans – this bean is high in fiber as well as folate
• Cannonau – this dark red wine contains the world’s highest levels of antioxidants as far as wine is concerned
• Pecorino Sard – this is obtained from grass-fed sheep and is very rich in Omega 3
• Hazelnuts and Almonds

Foods that the Sardinian consume to prolong their lifespan: Cheese, bread and Red Wine

A new system for voting that contains a simple, verifiable way to prevent fraud and miscounting

David Bismark demos a new system for voting that contains a simple, verifiable way to prevent fraud and miscounting -- while keeping each person's vote secret.

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High school photos of Music Legends

Fergie de Black Eyed Peas : Glen Wilson High School, Hacienda Heights California (1992)

Bruce Springsteen : Freehold Regional High School, Freehold  New Jersey (1967)

Michael Stipe R.E.M. (singer) : Collinsville High School, Collinsville, Illinois (1978)

Eminem : Lincoln High School, Warren, Michigan (1989)

Iggy Pop : Ann Arbor High School  Ann Arbor, Michigan

Janis Joplin : Thomas Jefferson High School, Port Arthur, Texas (1960)

Madonna : Adams High School, Rochester, Michigan (1976)

Mariah Carey : Harborfields High School, Greenlawn, New York (1987)

Marilyn Manson : Glen Oak High School, Canton, Ohio (1986)

Kirk Hammett Metallica : Anza High School, Richmond, Californie (1977)

Neil Young : Earl Grey Junior High School, Winnipeg, Canada (1961)1)

Prince : Central High School, Minneapolis, Minnesota (1974)

Zack Del La Rocha Rage Against the Machine : University High School, Irvine California (1987)

Snoop Dogg : David Starr Jordan High School, Long Beach, California (1989)

Jim Morrison The Doors : George Washington High School, Alexandria, Virginia (1961)

Top Music Board: Musician's younger photos