Thursday, December 9, 2010

If you are sick of hearing about Wikileaks, you don't understand the gravity of what is happening

by WhenDookieCalls

Many of the 250,000 leaked cables reveal huge news; stories that would dominate the news cycle if they surfaced independently of cablegate. Look at this latest tidbit today: The US and China colluded,1518,733630,00.html to derail negotiations at the climate conference in Copenhagen last year. That's huge. And this is just one of 250,000 stories. The big stories are coming out so quickly in fact, that many of them are getting lost in the noise.

Wikileaks has revealed for the first time in recent history, just how different the world presented by the media and the real world truly are. Yeah, we all suspected this stuff, but now its sitting there in plain sight. That's huge. Don't downplay it.
Because of these events, we're now witnessing sustained "cyberwarfare" (God I hate that term...there's gotta be a better way to say that) between the established order, and those that want to see information free. I don't think this is going to go away anytime soon; rather I think its an early sign of things to come.

Remember that line about how "9/11 changed everything"? Maybe so, but this is right up there too. I feel like we're witnessing another global paradigm shift.
Don't downplay Cablegate just because you're sick of hearing about it. This is a really, really, really big deal.

Many have pointed out that the actual number of stories revealed by the leaked cables is much less than 250,000, as the contents of many of the cables are mundane. While this may be true, even if a couple dozen huge stories come out of this, that's still quite a bit, considering we'd be talking about each one for a week if it came out at any other time.

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