Friday, April 1, 2011

Paul reveals the hidden message in the Beatles' 'A Day In The Life'

Beatles Fashion Influence

On this day in 1967, the Beatles finished recording 'A Day In The Life', one of the most celebrated tracks from the 'Sgt. Peppers' album.

The song is famous for its psychedelic lyrical references to potholes in Blackburn filling the Albert Hall, and for George Martin's use of a 40-piece orchestra during recording.

One of the most enduring mysteries about the song is the meaning of the hidden message contained beneath the crescendo midway through the song. That is, enduring until today... For Paul has slavishly sat at our mixing desks and unearthed the mystery mumbling's meaning. Listen to the hidden clip as you hear it on the album here.

Now, listen here to hear the message with the volume of the orchestra turned down.

You can hear the hidden message more clearly, but you'll notice its in reverse (how very 1960s...). But just listen to what happens when you play the song backwards!

Amazing! We wonder if it's still Paul's favourite recipe...

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