Occupy Wall Street organizing all over the US

Just now posted on the Occupy Burque (Albuquerque) Facebook wall:
Occupy Wall Street is now growing and expanding across the country. Here are some of the site cropping up:
Occupy Together dot Org
Occupy Birmingham (on Facebook)
Occupy Portland
Occupy Tampa (on Facebook)
Occupy Omaha (on Facebook)
Occupy Las Vegas
Occupy San Diego (on Facebook)
Occupy San Francisco (on Facebook)
Occupy Boston (on Facebook)
Occupy Sacramento (on Facebook)
Occupy DC
Occupy Kansas City (on Facebook)
Occupy Philadelphia (on Facebook)
Occupy Burque – Albuquerque (on Facebook)
And the Occupy Wall Street (on Facebook)
- Occupy Arkansas
- Occupy Birmingham, AL
- Occupy Charlotte
- Occupy Clarksville, TN
- Occupy Columbus, GA
- Occupy Daytona Beach
- Occupy Durham
- Occupy Florence, SC
- Occupy Greensboro
- Occupy Jacksonville, FL
- Occupy Knoxville
- Occupy Lexington, KY
- Occupy Louisville
- Occupy Memphis
- Occupy Miami
- Occupy Mississippi
- Occupy Nashville
- Occupy New Orleans
- Occupy Orlando
- Occupy Richmond, VA
- Occupy Tallahassee
- Occupy Tampa
- Occupy Winston Salem
- Occupy Boise
- Occupy Colorado Springs
- Occupy Denver
- Occupy Eugene
- Occupy Las Vegas
- Occupy Los Angeles
- Occupy Olympia
- Occupy Portland
- Occupy Sacramento
- Occupy Salt Lake City
- Occupy San Diego
- Occupy San Francisco
- Occupy San Jose
- Occupy Santa Barbara
- Occupy Santa Barbara (Facebook)
- Occupy Santa Cruz
- Occupy Seattle
- Occupy Spokane
(More are being added as they become available)
From MLK’s autobiography – very powerful message:
“On one dramatic occasion even Bull Connor’s men were shaken. It was a Sunday afternoon, when several hundred Birmingham Negroes had determined to hold a prayer meeting near the city jail. They gathered at the New Pilgrim Baptist Church and began an orderly march. Bull Connor ordered out the police dogs and fire hoses. When the marchers approached the border between the white and Negro areas, Connor ordered them to turn back. The Reverend Charles Billups, who was leading the march, politely refused. Enraged Bull Connor whirled on his men and shouted: “Dammit. Turn on the hoses.”
“What happened in the next thirty seconds was one of the most fantastic events of the Birmingham story. Bull Connor’s men stood facing the marchers. The marchers, many of them on their knees, ready to pit nothing but the power of their bodies and souls against Connor’s police dogs, clubs, and fire hoses, stared back, unafraid and unmoving. Slowly the Negroes stood up and began to advance. Connor’s men, as though hypnotized, fell back, their hoses sagging uselessly in their hands while several hundred Negroes marched past them, without further interference, and held their prayer meeting as planned. I felt there, for the first time, the pride and the power of nonviolence.”
Below is an article from CNN (I know, knock me over with a feather….)
(CNN) — Protests to draw attention to the power of Wall Street firms in the United States and world economies will continue for an 11th straight day in lower Manhattan Tuesday.“Our main concern is the way that democracy is hijacked through wealth inequality,” said Patrick Bruner, a spokesman for the protest group Occupy Wall Street. Bruner said protestors plan to present a list of demands, though they don’t know when or to whom they will present them to.
The group, taking its inspiration from the Arab Spring protests that swept through Africa and the Middle East, has taken up residence in a park in New York’s Financial District, calling for 20,000 people to flood the area for a “few months” to press home their point. Social media fueled those uprisings in places like Egypt and Libya and organizers are hoping it will work in the United States too.
“The rich are getting away with a huge crime,” documentary filmmaker Michael Moore said Monday on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight.” “Nobody’s been arrested on Wall Street for the crash of 2008. They’re not paying their fair share of the taxes.”
“I do well,” Moore acknowledged, but “we reward people for making money off money, and moving money around and dividing up mortgages a thousand times over, selling it to China … and it becomes this shell game.”
Moore spoke to the protesters before appearing on CNN, telling them that he’ll be happy when “the real people in this country are in charge” and he doesn’t have to make another movie or write another book on what he sees as the social and political ills of America.
About 100 people have been arrested during the protests, police said. People were apprehended for disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, obstructing governmental administration and assaulting a police officer, said New York City Deputy Commissioner Paul J. Browne. Most of the arrests came Saturday. There were no arrests Sunday and Monday, protest organizers said.
Demonstrators have accused police of using excessive force, following the release of a video from Saturday that shows an officer pepper spraying several women.
“This officer in a white shirt just came around and sprayed me and three other girls in the face,” said Chelsea Elliott, one of the women from the video. “Of course the rest blew into everyone around us and the cop in front of me got hit too.”
“It was one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen,” said Amanda Clarke, another protester who witnessed the incident. “It was absolutely horrible to see.”
Elliott called the incident “inexcusable” and said she plans to file a formal complaint.
The Occupy Wall Street website calls for the officer to be “charged for his crimes” and jailed. The group also has demanded that Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly resign and that Mayor Michael Bloomberg “apologize for the police brutality and the cover-up that followed.”
Appropriate and necessary force was used, police said.
“Protestors who engage in civil disobedience can expect to be arrested,” Browne said. “Those who resist arrest can expect some measure of force will be used.”
Police say the videos failed to capture or edited out important events that led to the eventual altercation. It’s a charge protesters have denied. The group has posted multiple videos showing the incident on its web page.
The protest campaign — which uses the hashtag #occupywallstreet on the microblogging site Twitter — began in July with the launch of a simple campaign website calling for a march and a sit-in at the New York Stock Exchange, just as demonstrators did in the Middle East and Africa.
“The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%,” the group’s website said.
Source: CNN
Here is another coverage (again… knock me over with a feather) by MSNBC which is actually supporting the Occupy Wall Street protesters by exposing how the police inappropriately responded to some protestors….

Occupy Wall Street organizing all over the US « Motley News
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